News & Events


News & Events
Dr. Lori Heise sets the stage for a workshop convened by the collaborative summarizing: What do we know about the impact of cash transfers on IPV?
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Norms and laws need to change. Cash would help, too. The Economist reports on ways to reduce violence against women, citing the collaborative's research.
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This webinar explored the potential role of social protection to respond to the ‘shadow pandemic’ of violence against women and girls during COVID-19 in the Indo-Pacific.
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Domestic abuse has spiked under COVID-19. Cash transfers are no panacea, but research shows they reduce violence and can be adapted.
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This CSW63 side event hosted by UN Women, Sida and the Prime Minister's Office (Tanzania) explored how cash transfers can help reduce intimate partner violence against women.
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Vox reports on a collaborative study in Bangladesh: Cash alone didn’t help. But group training for nutrition, with home visits, did.
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NPR Goats & Soda reports on a collaborative study in Bangladesh that found improving the economic status of women decreases violence when women also took part in an educational program that helped elevate their social standing.
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This webinar reviews some of the new and ongoing work conducted under the Transfer Project, a multi-organizational research and learning initiative with a focus on Ghana, Jordan and Lebanon.
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Quartz covers collaborative work showing cash transfers empower young women to make more far-sighted choices in love and education.